FINALLY! An Andre 3000 verse! These things are hard to come by these days. There has been a lot of frustration over Big Boi's tracklisting (which surfaced on the internet this morning), due to contracting issues over at Jive Records (makes sense right, Jive Records... sorry, that wasn't too funny). Outkast is under contract at Jive Records, and Big Boi's debut album, Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty, is going to be released under Def Jam. As of right now, Jive Records does not want an Andre 3000 feature on Big Boi's album because technically, it would be an Outkast song. FTW. "You know, I'm no stranger to that internet, baby. So you already know what time it is. The thirst of the fans will be quenched," Big Boi said in an interview with GQ. With that being said, I present to you, an "Outkast" production, with Boi-1da on the boards.
As of right now, this song will not be featured on Big Boi's debut album, due out July 6th.
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