...the word that a lot of us in this day and age fear. a lot of us try to exclude reality from our lives and refuse to let it set in. in reality their is no way around reality. we focus so much on trying to remove what we don't want to see that we can't enjoy life to the fullest. we remove others from our lives thinking it will help us deal with the problems we go through.. when in reality it makes things a lot worse. the worst part is we know we're doing these things and yet we continue to proceed with our actions.. i've grown a lot since i departed from high school.. i've removed the word 'grudge' from my life and tried to replace it with 'reality'.. removing a person that you care about from your life is pointless and nothing but a waste of energy.. although you may think excluding them is what's right ..your giving yourself more stress and trying steer away from reality. tomorrow isn't promised to anyone ..so think twice before you cut someone out of your life... i guess all of us need a reality check in life ..
would it be cliche to say..
..reality is a bitch?
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