today on Facebook: ATTENTION ALL FEMALES: if a guy says "o I just don't want a gf/ serious relationship right now"... What he REALLY means is "I'm using u for sex"...
so, naturally I read this and commented on it, seeing as its completely BULLSHIT. my simple response was
"True.but you know and oblige anyways, so stop complaining"...meaning girls in general, but she got an attitude and ended up telling me to "fall back", im falling the blog! lol.honestly, if any girl wrote something that absurd, shed probably get this same treatment. this wasnt meant to be hateful, but since you feel that way and I respect you as a friend, I editted it down. I couldve easily made this a status, and had all these same answers, but a blog is more convienent to look at. So If youre a dude who has an opinion on this quote and wants it to be heard in a place where theres not emotional bitches running rampid, message it to me and ill add it to these that we allready
in Order as I got them:(some are more intellectual than others lmao)
1.)girls always say the same shit because their only concern is what other girls are going to say about them...most of them are out for the same thing guys are they just don't wanna admit it because it labels them as sluts...dummies
2.)lol thats half retarded to say if the girl knows this and still goes with it,trying to make her self look less promiscuous with that offense to her just in general like u said
3.)i mean yeah basically when a guy says that he just wants to hit but the girl still does it so there aint no point in complaining if they still let us hit
4.)Thats what the insecure girl thinks. A woman knows that when a man says that he means what he says. Some females don't want to believe they've been rejected. Some don't know how to take realness, also known as reality. They fail to realize that the man knows what he wants and if he were to rush into things then the whole picture he see's wouldn't be whole at all. Oh and assuming they are having sex...If sex isn't involved then the whole argument is null. void the argument... I would take it to another level but I practice what I preach or at least atempt to and preaching about abstinance isn't me. Females who assume that men are just using them for sex should think about that before they open up to a man who doesn't want a serious relationship right now...or a GF...
5.)if a guy says that to a girl she should be happy that he's telling her the truth and not leading her on and making her think there will be a relationship, as far as him using her for sex, well the girl technically already knows that from the start (if hes sloppy with his game she knew that from the first time they hungout) so its not like him saying that shows anything she shouldnt have already known
6.)iight well i mean like what she's saying could be true some times but i dont think thats ALWAYS the case
7.)for all females who say if a guy says "o I just don't want a gf/ serious relationship right now"... What he REALLY means is "I'm using u for sex"... ( then first off well obv your in it for tha sex too, cuz u wouldnt still b fuckin with tha dude if u know his intentions yet ur not pullin back, there for when he cuts u off for another bitch... dnt complain jus get tested and move on ta ur next nigga ..
8.)second if a guy says that shit and you give it up anyway...well fair is fair...he said how he agreement was made...shit went dowwwnnnn
9.)but they still go along with it....
10.)This is true, but dont put every nigga in doghouse cause some girls do the same shit and their just as bad if not worse for it sooo...falll bacc off the male race. and its not like your dumb and cant tell the type of guys that do it dont walk in to the bears cave covered in honey
12.) NECK
13.)if she goes after the dick ,she is a cause of her own belief
14.)if u ask me its not always just for sex i mean i would never do tht to a girl cause i think its fucked up but nah i aint think thts true
15.)listen hear my boii! yes i spelled that made ghetto cause im about to go in BURR! anyway imma switch up what another goon said and say dont fly into the beehive sprinkled with pollen. if a dude only wants you for the bunning of the tao!! you would know before he even had to say he doesnt want a serious relationship! so poof ...vamoose son of a bitch
16.)what' i'd say is.... "actually what he really means is can you go ass to mouth? cause you dont have to kiss if you don't go out and no one really wants to kiss a mouth after its had jiggle juice in it."
17.)im going to show her two inches of circumference!
18.)ok my opinion is theres nothin wrong with using a girl to bang her lol
19.)guys dont wna put up wit girls bullshit nd drama so having a fuck buddy or som1 to talk to isnt tht bad
20.)guys only say tht to dumb sluts that believe it....or we actually mean we dont wanna settle down, we wanna enjoy life and enjoy our freedom. but im guessing you heard this a few times?
22.)'it's not our fault you deal with assholes or give it up too easy dumbass'
23.)guys only say tht to dumb sluts that believe it....or we actually mean we dont wanna settle down, we wanna enjoy life and enjoy our freedom. but im guessing you heard this a few times?
24.)Bitches is crazy
25.)no, what he REALLY means is.. YOUR pussy isnt good enough for me to tolerate you any more than i have to.
25.)no, what he REALLY means is.. YOUR pussy isnt good enough for me to tolerate you any more than i have to.
26.)DANIELLE Pomarico-I HIGHLY disagree with(???). From a woman's perspective, this is not how we think. Notice how I say "woman" not "girl". The difference in this statement comes from one's maturity level. Woman know when they are getting used for sex and either a.) Don't get into the situation or b.) Get out of the situation as quickly as possible. We don't complain nor shout it out when noted. A GIRL would think she's getting used for sex when a boy/man say's those statements to her because a.) She can't face reality that he doesn't want her like that and/or b.) She can't handle the aftermath of what people are REALLY thinking. So like I said, It's a maturity level when it comes to situations as these. Jus sayin.. gotta keep it real!
27.)yeaah lol it happens tho.. she said some bullshit towards an Entire sex
28.)Men lie, Women lie, numbers don''s something for the new post...Males need to stop lying to females and step up their movement. Nothing is better than being in a relationship with someone you can connect with mentally, physically, emoitionally, and sexually... We all have heard of the power of the pussy or I like to call the "Cats Meow"... What its about the mental conception... "Mind Fuck"... Lying is an easy way to get pussy because wether or not we believe it, they're giving it or we're taking it. But its not ours. If you can stimulate someones mind as well as their body...well let me just say this, tranquility haha is the best remedy for a shorty you want to get between...
NOT in the order in which recieved:
28.)Men lie, Women lie, numbers don''s something for the new post...Males need to stop lying to females and step up their movement. Nothing is better than being in a relationship with someone you can connect with mentally, physically, emoitionally, and sexually... We all have heard of the power of the pussy or I like to call the "Cats Meow"... What its about the mental conception... "Mind Fuck"... Lying is an easy way to get pussy because wether or not we believe it, they're giving it or we're taking it. But its not ours. If you can stimulate someones mind as well as their body...well let me just say this, tranquility haha is the best remedy for a shorty you want to get between...
NOT in the order in which recieved:
Me, KB, R.J, EJets, Jerome, danielle,Akeeva, Fudge, Sean Rowan, George Joseph, ????lol, Timmy Feeney, Ahmed, Bulolo, D.J, Ali, Tony E, Jereme Chinchitty, Matt, Will Nolan, Greg,and YOU if you want.but Now were only posting the SERIOUS responses
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