it feels like ages since I hopped on here with something new to say. whats new...I have been caught up with deciding whether or not I want to go back to school next semester, and Im feeling a bit phsycially exaughsted. Ive been trying to get things back on track, and the holidays are here to stay = ). tonight is the BIG christmas tree lighting in NYC. thought about going with Aileen, but ill just catch it on tv this year, i need rest. But getting into crazier shit, when Noah was over with KB the other night, he put me onto yet another thing: the band Grizzly Bear. their sick. this song Ready, Able has quickly become one of my favorites. it has some deep lyrics I can relate to. but the Best part is this TRIPPY ASS video for the song. Its weird enough sober.....im kind of reluctant to watch it booted. but if youre getting high anytime soon and are looking to be entertained, here you go, but im warning you its probably unlike any video youve seen thusfar:
Im waiting on Def to send over the album now its called "Vecatimest"
i just came back on to edit this.heres the link if you want to download it yourself
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