P.SO 'More Jelly'

    Awhile back I did a blog post on a DOPE mixtape I happened to stumble upon while surfing the net one day:
    Suicide By Jellyfish . Today I got an email letting me know that tomorrow, 10/6/10, the follow up tape will be released. Im super amped, the first song off of the previous tape gets CONSTANT daily play from Deafcon and I. Heres a single off of the new project, and the video that goes with the song
    P.SO (formerly P.CASSO)- Best In Show feat. VonPea of Tanya Morgan and Homeboy Sandman Produced by 2 Hungry Bros. from P.SO (P.CASSO) on Vimeo.

    "Brought to you by the AOK Collective and DJBooth.net , More Jelly is the perfect follow up to the indie rock influenced Jellyfish. Going for more of a "Boom-Bap" feel, P.SO enlisted the production talents of the 2 Hungry Bros., 6th Sense, J57, and even Large Professor. With features from Homeboy Sandman, Fresh Daily, 8thw1, Chris Faust and Senor Kaos, More Jelly, looks like another hit from "the Earth Tone King"


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