For Making Songs Like This,You Can Easily Be......

    ...."G.I.L.K.....fuck the rest"
                                  -Noah "Deafcon" Boujikian

    We told you guys a while back Deaf is now with G.!.L.K., which joins us with PineRidge. That's him a bit down the page with the dope YouTube freestyle (although he'd tell you that's not even his best). My man went straight in the booth and got to work. This is a single off of Deaf's new Album  "Smokescreen" which will drop on 4/20. What can I say, he loves his weed lol. If you love your weed and good music too, make sure you get a copy when it drops. Stay tuned to the blog just in case he decides to drop anymore exclusive looks at his project while you wait on it.

         ^Listen/Download Here^

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